Unmasking Mathematical Fallacies in Operations Management: Two MiniCase Studies Using Misdirection
Blaine McCormick and Wen Zhang
Baylor University, Hankamer School of Business, USA
Volume 17: 2023, pp. 5-20; ABSTRACT
This paper presents two mini-cases, “The Accused Driver” and “The Billing Problem”, to expose students to mathematical
misdirection situations which can occur in operations management contexts but have yet to receive sufficient attention
in undergraduate and graduate education. These two cases help students to identify mathematical misdirection and recognize
the potential cognitive biases underlying the technique. By demonstrating decisionmaking tools that can help avoid or mitigate
these cognitive biases, we aim to equip students with the critical thinking and analytical reasoning skills needed to
make informed decisions and become effective leaders in the field of operations management.
Keywords: mathematical fallacies, operations management teaching, procurement, double counting.