Pilot Deviation and a Near Miss on Flight 1489
John Z. Ni and Peter A. Salzarulo
Department of Management, Miami University, USA
Michael Wagner
Oldecastle Infrastructure, USA
Volume 13: 2019, pp. 51-66; ABSTRACT
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is investigating a runway incursion that occurred on July 11, 2007 at the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood Airport, (FLL), Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Two flights, United (UAL) flight 1544, an A-320 and Delta Airlines (DAL) flight 1489, a Boeing 757, missed one another by less than 100 feet. While the case is concise and easy to read, it is also very versatile and can promote a great deal of discussion amongst the students. This case provides students with an opportunity to utilize control charts in a non-manufacturing setting and to identify potential root causes and countermeasures for runway incursions. Also, it can help students understand fundamental elements of Deming’s quality philosophy regarding variation and process performance.