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NeilsonJournals Publishing
Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Operating Institutions and Joint Programs: Current Status and Development Strategies
Xinyu Guo
Jiangsu Provincial Department of Education, China, and University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Volume 7: 2012, pp. 199-212; ABSTRACT
With the quickening pace of economic globalization, many countries have explored the road toward higher education internationalization. Higher Education in China is undergoing a process of internationalization. Building world-class universities is one of the fundamental strategic tasks in China. An analysis of the present situation of higher education in China shows that there are some gaps to be filled. Establishing world-class universities in China will be a long and complicated process and has a long way to go. Jiangsu Province has entered the post mass-education era. Increasing numbers of universities in Jiangsu have explored the road of international cooperation and exchanges, and studied the experiences of world-class universities. A sustainable and dynamic international education system distinctive to Jiangsu has come into being. Nanjing University and Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University illustrate typical examples of constructing high-level universities. The collisions between the differing educational systems of both the education exporting and importing country will exist for some time. China has set up specific standards for Chinese-Foreign cooperation in operating such institutions and joint programs, with the goal of cultivating talent, and utilizing the best educational resources from foreign universities. China will push forward the course of globalization of higher education.
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