Valuing Cultures Through Critical Incidents: Analyses of Cross-Cultural Encounters and Their Implications for International Business Behaviors
Andre A. Pekerti, Sarah Woodland, and Steven Diack
UQ Business School, The University of Queensland, Australia
Anugerah Pekerti
Institute for Management Education and Development Graduate School of Management, Indonesia
Volume 5: 2010, pp. 43-74; ABSTRACT
This article explores six different cultures through a number of critical incidents involving
cross-cultural communication encounters. Using an analytical learning approach, it suggests the use
of cultural frameworks and dimensions to apply in analyzing unfamiliar cultures, and thus assist
individuals to understand behaviors in the mini-cases presented and similar cross-cultural situations.
A discussion of common errors is presented both as a preventative and self-awareness tool. Using
similar techniques and a critical incident format introduced in Cushner and Brislin’s (1996) work,
self-contained mini cases and teaching notes are presented to offer insights and implications for
teaching in international business and international organizational behavior courses.