Effectiveness of a Global Leadership Development Program by Focusing on
Global Leadership Competencies Development: Evidence from Empirical Research
Joerg Hruby
Universidad Anáhuac México Campus Norte, Mexico
Volume 19: 2024, pp. 00-00; ABSTRACT
Despite the theoretical advancements in Global Leadership literature, there needs to be
more empirical understanding of how organizations develop and execute Global Leadership
Development Programs (GLDP). In this article, we show that despite theoretical advances in Global
Leadership Research, organizations implementing GLDP lack an overarching framework to identify
how to measure the effectiveness of their programs. To address this gap, our research is based on a
comprehensive qualitative analysis of 90 Global Human Resource Leaders, providing a cohesive
understanding of the heterogeneity in the perception and implementation of a GLDP. Our findings
highlight the challenges and offer practical and effective steps for organizations operating in
different geographical settings to strengthen their Global Leadership Development initiatives,
empowering them to take action.
Keywords: Global Leadership Development Program (GLDP), global leadership competencies
development, global leadership, global leadership effectiveness, global mindset.
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