Decoupling in International Business: A Rejoinder on Internationalization and De-Internationalization
Weng Marc Lim
Swinburne University of Technology, Swinburne Business School, Australia and Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak, School of Business, Malaysia
Symeon Mandrinos
Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak, School of Business, Malaysia
Volume 15: 2020, pp. 305-308; ABSTRACT
This is a rejoinder to “Decoupling in International Business”, a recent article published in the Journal of General Management. This rejoinder aims to add clarity to the complex idea of decoupling in international business through the lens of internationalization and de-internationalization. This rejoinder hopes that the clarification herein will help the readers of the Journal of International Business Education, especially international business educators, to better comprehend and explain the idea of decoupling in international business.
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