Assessment of Cross-Border Partnerships in Business Education: A Student Perspective from a MENA Country
Mourad Dakhli and Marta Szabo White
Georgia State University, USA
Dina El Zohairy
American University of Kuwait, Kuwait
Volume 12: 2017, pp. 71-82; ABSTRACT
The proliferation of cross-border partnerships in higher education, particularly in business education, has led AACSB to call for a more careful assessment of their impact and effectiveness. For the MENA region, these partnerships have constituted an integral component of education privatization and reforms that for the most part centered on improving the quality of higher education, and on bridging the gap between business education and the changing needs of the labor market. We extend on the conceptual work of Dakhli and El Zohairy (2013) that offered a critical assessment of the changing landscape of business education in the region. We adopt a student-centered approach and compare business students' perceptions and satisfaction with their educational experiences at a private university engaged in an exclusive cross-border partnership, with those at a leading local, public institution. The results of our exploratory study point to higher levels of satisfaction with the private education offering. We conclude by advancing a set of recommendations for policy makers and practitioners.
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