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"Put Yourself in Their Shoes": The Stakeholder Theory Taught Through Role-Play
Roberto Fernández-Gago, Laura Cabeza-García, José Luis de Godos-Díez, and Beatriz Jiménez-Parra
Departamento de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y
Empresariales, Universidad de León, Campus de Vegazana, León, Spain
Volume 21: 2024 pp. 00-00: ABSTRACT
The stakeholder theory has become influential in the field of business management,
especially concerning environmental and social issues. Nevertheless, there is room for improvement
in the way this theory is taught in higher education. In this work, an experiential teaching method is
proposed where the firm is no longer the center of analysis, and business situations are approached
from the perspective of participating stakeholders. An original role-playing activity with detailed
instructions to be adapted and used by interested educators was put into practice with the
participation of Spanish undergraduate students. Results showed that this teaching method helped
promote stakeholder thinking in management courses and led students to evaluate the power of
different stakeholders.
Keywords: stakeholder theory, stakeholder power, experiential exercise, role-play