Time from submission to 1st review report: 81 DAYS (AVERAGE) - Blind reviewed (double or triple) by OMER reviewers (Review Board & external).
Time to publishing online post acceptance: 14 DAYS (AVERAGE) - Galley proofs for final edits are sent, on average, 11 days after acceptance.
Full text PDF downloads 2018: 1603
Full text PDF downloads 2019: 1003
Full text PDF downloads 2020: 903
Full text PDF downloads 2021: 1177
Full text PDF downloads 2022: 1489
Full text PDF downloads 2023: 1961
Orders of case studies and teaching articles (APRIL 2018 - MARCH 2024): 7168
AVERAGE APRIL 2014 - MARCH 2024: 1017
Counter statistic equivalent - average of the total no. of article downloads + orders/no. of articles published over 9 years (similar
to COUNTER Code of Practice for Usage Factors - median value of the no. of downloads during a year per article) 2016-24: 953
Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS) Academic Journal Guide 2023 - Level 1 (1, 2, 3, 4, 4* - highest impact factor)
* Please note that OMER is not a research journal, but an education journal, which publishes case studies, teaching articles, opinion pieces and
forums along with some education research. It is a teaching tool... a textbook journal. Innovative teaching strategies and curriculum
design have an impact on the way OM courses are taught around the world and cannot be measured via citation indices. The teaching materials
are available for ordering as individual articles (case studies/exercises/lecture articles) via the OMER website, and global distribution
channels (Case Centre clearing house, aggregated content databases). Hence the inclusion of individual article orders above as a major component
of the journal's usage. Its true impact is therefore not measurable by existing research metrics as used in current journal ranking lists.