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Dr. Hammond Learns a Lesson: Dysfunction of Mobile Technology in a Mobile Apps Course
Katelin Barron and Shih Yung Chou
The University of Texas of the Permian Basin, USA
Volume 8: 2015, pp. 43-48; ABSTRACT
This case takes a detailed look into the teaching experience of a Management Information Systems (MIS) instructor who had dedicated a large portion of his life to sharing his knowledge with younger generations. Dr. Hammond had an extended background in MIS and a desire to see his students succeed in the industry. However, he was presented with an early teaching struggle within a Mobile Apps Development course. The struggle was centered on student classroom misbehaviors stemming from a lack interest in engagement and participation. He sought to find answers by inviting students to discuss their academic interests and goals. While thinking about how to reach possible solutions with the subsequent information, Dr. Hammond received a call from a longtime friend and experienced teaching colleague who encouraged him to talk about this issue. His friend helped him devise a plan that would forever change Dr. Hammond’s outlook on leadership and motivation in the classroom setting.

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