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Who’s Afraid of ChatGPT?: Thinking Through Generative AI for Organizational Behavior Educators Who
Teach Writing-Intensive Courses
McClain Watson
Naveen Jindal School of Management, The University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Volume 17: 2024, pp. 185-192; ABSTRACT
The sudden emergence of ChatGTP and other generative AI platforms has led many
business educators to revisit longstanding assumptions about teaching, learning, and effective
assignment design. Particularly affected by these developments are OB faculty who teach writing -
intensive courses in a business school. In this piece, I provide a brief overview of large language
models, describe recent surveys on how companies and workers are incorporating them into their
workflows, and pose three important questions for writing-focused OB faculty to think through as
they update their writing assignments and assumptions for the emerging genAI age.
Keywords: generative AI, business education, academic policy, writing instruction.