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Teaching Cross-Cultural Business Etiquette: A Strategic Approach for International Business Success
Razak Surrey
Pennsylvania Western University, USA
Volume 17: 2024, pp. 239-252; ABSTRACT
Effective cross-cultural communication is essential for success in international business,
particularly in culturally diverse regions like the Arab world. However, many business education
programs fail to adequately address the significance of culture-specific practices, such as Arabic
business etiquette, in fostering global business competencies. This study examines the integration
of cultural education into international business programs, focusing on the gap in cross-cultural
communication skills that often results in miscommunication and failed negotiations. The study
involved college students enrolled in an Arabic culture course aimed at enhancing their crosscultural communication abilities and preparing them for professional business engagements in the
Arab region. To gather insights, a survey was administered to collect participants’ feedback. The
findings reveal that students were highly engaged and satisfied, reporting increased cultural
awareness and enhanced practical communication skills. This article explores the implications of
these findings for global business education and recommends strategies for incorporating cultural
components into business curricula to better prepare students for the demands of the global market.
Keywords: arab culture, cross-cultural communication, cultural competence, international business