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Self-Report Surveys to Increase Cultural Responsiveness
Melissa J. Mann
College of Business and Economics, The University of North Carolina at Pembroke, USA
Alysa D. Lambert
School of Business, Indiana University Southeast, USA
Regina Yanson (In Memoriam)
School of Business, Francis Marion University, USA
Volume 17: 2024, pp. 91-112; ABSTRACT
Social injustices, cultural callousness, and inequitable access to educational opportunities
plague global society. The demographic composition of college classrooms is changing. An increase
in diversity predicates the need for educators to improve antiquated practices used in homogeneous
classes to ensure disadvantaged populations do not continue to be adversely impacted. This paper
will help instructors adopt more culturally responsive teaching practices and provide insight into
navigating difficult discussions within their classroom. This paper will introduce the pedagogical
strategy of culturally responsive teaching (CRT) as well as familiarize readers with cultural
awareness and CRT scales to help instructors better understand how their teaching style/methods
may be perceived.
Keywords: culturally responsive teaching, diversity and inclusion, social identity, cultural
awareness surveys, classroom management self-efficacy, organizational behavior, teaching
intervention, classroom exercises.