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Designing an Online Training Program: A Pilot Experiential Learning Exercise
Duygu Gulseren and Ayesha Tabassum
School of Human Resources Management, York University, Canada
Volume 17: 2024, pp. 145-166; ABSTRACT
Experiential learning activities are becoming increasingly popular in management
courses. Acknowledging the need for in-class experiential activities in the field of management in
general and organizational development and human resources management in particular, this
teaching article introduces a pilot training design activity we developed for our students in our
Occupational Health and Safety course as a part of the undergraduate Human Resources
Management curriculum at a Canadian university. Students are invited to design and deliver a
training program on technostress reduction for remote workers. They used the instructional systems
design framework. We collected data from real-life remote workers using the Kirkpatrick’s training
evaluation outcomes. We presented the results of the training evaluation component as an in-class
demonstration. In this teaching article, we provide details about our pilot in-class experiential
activity and share the corresponding materials.
Keywords: training design, instructional systems design, organizational development, technostress, remote work.