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Removing Cronyism in Undergraduate Team Member Selection
Joseph M. Goodman
University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA
Brittany Owens
Louisiana State University, USA
Keith Credo
University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA
Volume 17: 2024, pp. 167-184; ABSTRACT
Conventional wisdom suggests employers “hire hard, manage easy”, but entry-level
employees generally lack the experience to adequately screen and select candidates. Selection biases
tend to reduce effectiveness of the hiring process, particularly amongst managers unfamiliar with
the selection process and the role of some common implicit biases (e.g. “halo” and “horn” effects,
familiarity bias, and similarity bias). This manuscript describes a team member selection activity
that not only removes tendencies towards cronyism in self-selected student groups, but also trains
undergraduate Project Managers to select team members through a masked applicant pool. The
method combines a variety of tools that hiring managers and human resource professionals
commonly use when selecting individuals for organizations and work or task teams. Project
Managers “draft” the members of their project groups using unidentifiable data points from
cognitive tests, personality surveys, and self-reported skill data. A rationale for the procedure, the
selection process, and student reflections are presented. Additional teaching notes are included for
instructors wishing to adopt this hiring simulation activity to both raise student awareness of implicit
bias in selection processes, and potentially reduce implicit biases among future managers.
Keywords: halo/horns, selection bias, student project, active learning, simulation, blind selection,
Big 5, tolerance for ambiguity.