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"A Date, You Say?" Using an Educational Comedy Video to Teach Vroom’s Expectancy Theory of Motivation
Emilia Bunea
VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands
Elie Gray
TBS Business School, Toulouse, France
Briana Mijangos
Marriott International, Los Angeles, USA
Luc Rouge
TBS Business School, Toulouse, France
David Stolin
TBS Business School, Toulouse, France
Volume 17: 2024, pp. 125-144; ABSTRACT
Vroom’s Expectancy Theory of Motivation represents an influential model in many
organizational behavior textbooks and courses, yet one that many students find difficult to grasp.
We propose to make it more accessible, engaging, and memorable, by means of an innovative
teaching tool: an educational comedy video (“edcom”) and the accompanying teaching note with
suggested discussion questions, as well as an annotated script and multiple-choice questions.
Teaching Vroom’s theory with these materials can support and enrich the teaching practice of
organizational behavior faculty.
Keywords: video teaching materials, educational humor, edcom.