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AMRG & Associates: Crafting Professionalization Through HR Transformation
Sudhanshu Maheshwari, Ashneet Kaur, and Amol S. Dhaigude
S P Jain Institute of Management and Research (SPJIMR), Mumbai, India
Volume 17: 2024, pp. 31-40; ABSTRACT
The case study of AMRG & Associates, led by Mr. Rajat Mohan, showcases a strategic
transformation within a family-owned business, addressing the challenge of modernizing HR
practices and aligning with professional standards. Triggered by the implementation of GST in
2016, Rajat realized the need to overhaul outdated processes dependent on informal methods. The
firm embarked on a journey towards professionalization, focusing on operational efficiency,
accountability, and transparency. Key strategies included formal job descriptions, performancelinked incentives, and a legal compliance unit. This case highlights the crucial role of leadership in
driving change, the importance of continuous learning, and aligning organizational goals with
industry demands amidst competitive pressures.
Keywords: professionalization, HR transformation, change management, family managed business, leadership.