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Enhancing Work Engagement of Organisational Behaviour Students: Can Yoga Help?
Anand N. Asthana
CENTRUM Católica Graduate Business School (CCGBS), Lima, Perú; Pontificia Universidad
Católica del Perú (PUCP), Lima, Perú (email aasthana@pucp.pe)
Volume 16: 2023, pp. 253-270; ABSTRACT
Modern businesses rely on productivity of workers to gain competitive advantage. They
focus on the management of human capital and seek to enhance work engagement of these workers.
Institutions imparting training in organizational behaviour are mindful of the demands of the
industry and seek to promote work engagement during their courses. In this research, the
effectiveness of yoga and the mediating role of mindfulness was assessed using a Randomised
Controlled Trial on students of Organizational Behaviour. It was found that yoga increased
mindfulness of participants as also their work engagement significantly. Statistical analysis revealed
that the increase in work engagement through mindfulness as also the direct increase in work
engagement through yoga were significant. Three fourths of increase in work engagement came
through mindfulness while the remaining one fourth came directly from yoga.
Keywords: work engagement, yoga, mindfulness, organisational behaviour education