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Workplace Spirituality Research Summary for Teaching in Organizational Behavior Courses
Badrinarayan Shankar Pawar
School of Management, MIT World Peace University, India
Volume 14: 2021, pp. 183-206; ABSTRACT
Workplace spirituality refers to the employee experiences of spirituality in workplace. Considerable empirical evidence has evolved over the last about two decades indicating the relationships of workplace spirituality with organizational behavior (OB) outcomes such as employee work attitudes, behaviors, well-being, and performance. Thus, this paper provides a brief summary of workplace spirituality research. This paper first describes spirituality and workplace spirituality. Thereafter, it indicates that workplace research has utility for managers and supports this by outlining the empirical research evidence on workplace spirituality’s association with employee work outcomes and explains why workplace spirituality has such several associations. Subsequently, it describes the actions managers can take to enhance workplace spirituality in their work units. It thereafter points out that managers need to exercise caution in implementing workplace spirituality because of the issues associated with the workplace spirituality phenomenon and with the workplace spirituality research. This is followed by a brief description of a hypothetical organization in which workplace spirituality is high.